Archive for March, 2011

Telling a New Story

March 20, 2011:  If You Don’t Like It, Tell a Different Story

For the past month I’ve felt really non verbal…the words just weren’t there…all’s right in my world but the words seem to evade me.

This is my Law of Attraction story.  My journey into living what I believe, walking the talk, putting my life on the line.  Whatever.  I believe that we create our own realities whether by default or on purpose and this is definitely my time for “on purpose.”

We are vibrational beings and the Law of Attraction states that all like unto itself is drawn…like attracts like.  We attract what we are emitting vibrationally.  If we are broadcasgting at 89 FM we can’t receive what is 1130 AM or even what is on 95 FM.  Likewise if we are primarily a negative person we will notice and attract the negative to us.  When I’m feeling good, I hit the green lights, avoid traffic jams, get the fast check out lane, the nice person to talk with in the park.

In my non verbal phase recently I found myself reaching down into very young pre- verbal memories, memories that expressed in my body, i.e. nausea, back pain, tension.  I was able to put words to much of it and release more negative energy until I felt myself sitting on what felt like bedrock.  The beginning.

I had the distinct feeling that I was beginning again and this time I want to tell a different story.

I got a brand new journal out and began writing my new story.  In my new and True Story I am excited about being alive, I’m feeling loved and know that I am Source Energy capable of having anything that I want to do be or have.  In my True Story I know that abundance of every kind surrounds me and I can feel what that is like.  I can feel the love, the support, the resources I need to accomplish anything I wish.  In my New True Story I know that what I want will come to me without effort on my part and I only need do that which I am wanting to do.  In my True Story I know I came here to have fun and to create, not to prove anything or save anyone or anything..

When I become anxious I open my new story book and switch the anxious feeling to something that not only feels better but that which is True.  Like I was walking the dog one evening and I was feeling rather lonely and tears came.  But then I thought of my new True Story and remembered that I am never alone, that my Source is always with me along with helpers of some sort whose presence I can feel as well.  And I write that in my book and know it and feel better.

As contrast comes up I write the True Story and it is becoming a powerful resource for me.  Louise Hay (see side panel) says “change your beliefs and you change your life.”  God is she ever right.

With Appreciation, Connie

March 5, 2011

It’s not that nothing has happened in my life since I last wrote.  I simply do not feel inspired to write.  Why, because there hasn’t been anything that I feel inspired to write about.  It’s not that nothing has happened.  I  guess it’s just that nothing that feels worthy of interest to anyone but me.  HHHmmmm…,

But then I’m writing this for me anyway and do I not want to not care diddly squat about what others may think of me?  Yes, that’s a good thing.   And don’t I know that my path is unique?  Unlike that of anyone else. 

Each of us has a path different from that of anyone else in the world.  Oh, it may look similar in many aspects, but no one knows what it is to be like you but you.  No one else has your particular chemistry, point of observation, genes, experiences, relationships, feelings but you.

It is as if all of us are traveling in our own private universes and touching others but never fully overlapping.  We have our own separate paths as well and they could be so much more stunning if we had not been so taught to conform.  We say “just be yourself” but that means as long as you don’t look too different from everyone else.

Isn’t it true that most of us fear people and places that look different from us?  The boogie man we imagine certainly doesn’t look like us and yet the people that hurt us the most…I’m talking everything from physical, emotional, and sexual abuse and murder…are the people that are the most familiar to us.  Think about that.

And so I return to my own unique path.  And I want to be able to fully embrace that no matter what it looks like…even when I’m not inspired to write about it because nothing is hitting the charts enough to share….or so I imagine.

I’m growing myself every day.  I’m experiencing my own expansion sometimes in ways that feel miraculous but that is not something I can begin to put into words.

And those two sentences say it all.  That is my path right now.  I’m continuing to manifest me in a way that is particular to me.  No one else could have my experience,.  No one.  And that feeds me,

We each have our own voice and unique contributions and we bang around together in this wonderful experience called life.

With love, Connie