May 22, 2018

This was just so cool and I have to share. My previous entry
a few days ago was about happiness and why being
happily is so important. In short because of the law of
attraction your current life reflects your current thoughts and
feelings. So wouldn’t it be better to create more happy
rather than anything else? (Read my previous entry for
better background.)

Well, just as I was finishing that entry our door bell rang. My
wonderful furry friend jumped off the chair next to me and
launched into a solo barkathon that might have implicated a
North Korean invasion beginning at our front door so I
thought I’d better answer it.

As I opened the door I noticed two well dressed women
smiling and holding literature in their hands. I immediately
identified “field work” and these 2 Jehovah’s Witnesses had
arrived to save me. I love these people. Truly. And have had
wonderful conversations with them. We introduced
ourselves and one of the ladies launched her agenda with
“Are you happy? Wouldn’t you love to have more
happiness in your life?”

I explained to them that I was just writing about happiness!
And I also was thinking to myself about the wonderful
demonstration of the law of attraction that had just
manifested. Wasn’t I just saying in my writing that being
happy creates more of that? And I do love the Witnesses.
They spread their love in my experience and their
appearance at that moment was just so perfect!

Some people may call this a coincidence. I don’t believe in
coincidence. The Universe is much too precise and elegant
for that. I do believe that we create our own reality by what
we think and what we choose to focus upon.

Feeling Happy